October 13, 2023


Episode 217 Deep Dive: EJ Wise | Beyond Policies: Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness and Engagement

Episode 217 Deep Dive: EJ Wise | Beyond Policies: Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness and Engagement
Episode 217 Deep Dive: EJ Wise | Beyond Policies: Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness and Engagement

Oct 13 2023 | 00:44:41


Show Notes

In this episode, we are joined by EJ WISE (Principal and Founder – Wise Law). From tailoring preparedness measures for different audiences to the importance of customizing business continuity plans, EJ Wise highlights the pitfalls of generic templates and the need for proper training. She also explores the parallel between physical safety measures and cyber security preparedness, challenging organizations to identify their cyber wardens. Plus, we’ll discuss the potential HR and morale problems associated with neglecting policy updates and the importance of keeping policies relevant and engaging. Don’t miss out on the valuable advice EJ has to offer as she addresses the legal aspect of cyber preparedness, the role of communication teams during incidents, and the necessity of regular practice in handling cyber incidents effectively.

Professor EJ Wise (she/her) is Principal and Founder of Wise Law in Melbourne and: 

  • Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Science, Engineering & Built Environment, Deakin University 
  • Lecturer, School of Law, Society and Criminology, Faculty of Law and Justice, UNSW 
  • Lecturer, Melbourne Business School (Public Policy) 
  • Sessional Academic, Thomas More Law School, ACU 
  • Member, Executive Advisory Board for Cyber, Deakin University 
  • Member, Industry Advisory Board for Cyber, RMIT 
  • Member, Advisory Committee of the UNSW Institute of Cyber Security, UNSW 
  • Founding Chair, Australasian Cyber Security Institute 
  • Founding Director & Treasurer, National Institute of Strategic Resilience 
  • Member Law Council of Australia International Law Section 
  • Member Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood House Executive Committee 

EJ has 29 years legal experience in Australian Federal and State Governments as well as in private practice and academia, specialising in cyber law, policy, strategy, governance, international law & international humanitarian law and is an internationally recognized cyber law expert. 

EJ’s 21 years of service in uniform as a Legal Officer with the Royal Australian Air Force includes postings in the RAAF’s cyber and information operations squadron and on exchange with the United States Air Force’s JAG Corps in the Pentagon for three years.  EJ is a decorated veteran who served twice in the Middle East during Australia’s engagement in international armed conflict.  EJ’s volunteer roles have ranged from working in a Community Legal Centre to providing CPD to the Federation of Community Legal Centres in Victoria, being on the International Humanitarian Law Committee of the International Committee of the Red Cross to membership of Cyber Security Advisory Boards and Committees. 

EJ has assisted in drafting laws, relevant texts and manuals in Australian, International and US jurisdictions. She has assisted in law enforcement as well as cyber operations. EJ has strong community values and gives her time to community and not for profit organisations as her contribution to a fairer, more inclusive and equitable society for everyone. 

Areas of Expertise  Qualifications 
Cyber Law 

Cyber Security Law 

Cyber Operations 

Cyber Warfare 

Information Operations 

International Humanitarian Law 

Cyber Policy, Risk, Strategy & Governance 

Military Law 

B.App.Sc (Ecology & Natural Resources) 



MA (Policy & Strategy) 

Grad Dip (Legal Practice) 

Grad Dip (Strategic planning & management) 

Grad Dip (Defence studies)  



Using tech without cybersecurity is like driving a car without a seatbelt and with no idea of its service history 

– EJ Wise, founder of Wise Law

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